R-E-A-L.iT UNLOCKING THE WONDERS OF MONTREAL'S HABITAT 67 “The reality capture industry is one that is both cutting edge technologically, while remaining simple in its motivation. As long as humans have walked on this earth, we have been documenting our surr... 3dmodeling 3dtechnology BLK2GO BLK360 CapturingReality CollaborativeProject EpicGames Habitat67 HillsideProject LeicaBLK360 Neoscape P50 RTC360 SafdieArchitects realitycapture 27 juin 2023
R-E-A-L.iT TRANSFORMING EMERGENCY RESPONSE WITH REALITY CAPTURE Introduction In times of crisis, every second counts. The ability to swiftly assess the situation, gather accurate information, and make informed decisions is crucial for effective emergency response.... #realitycapture 3dlaserscanning 3dmodeling 3dtechnology LeicaBLK360 LeicaRTC360 emergencyresponse incidentmanagement realitycapture 8 juin 2023